My blog. My class.

March 20, 2006

Gone 30

"Happy birthday! You look great for your age. Almost Lifelike!"

(one of the quotes from a forward email by a friend, entitled Things That Hallmark Cards Don't Say)

* * * *

Yes, I am thirty today, March 20. It's my birthday. Shameless plugging, but I am not ashamed of saying I am thirty years old. Being that years old is something I am preparing for eventually since last year. And being that old (to others) is something in my mind only. Upon waking this morning, I still feel 29 or less and nothing more.

Talk about trying to discount your years of living on the face of the earth.

And what would be my plans for the rest of my days from now? Plenty. Actually I am just beginning to pave my own path in this world. With having a job outside of the country, I feel this is the start of something big and life-changing for me for the rest of my life. All the while, I was in the period of hibernation. Now I'll take charge of my life.

What would be my wish? That is only for me to know and to keep.

So give me some lovin today - greet me a happy birthday or give me a virtual high five (not that I am beggin, I just feel exhilirated today to know that I have lived this far in my life).

Thank God for birthdays!


jio said...

Thanks, purplejeans79. :-)

BTW, you mentioned before that you would visit the Philippine Islands. Did you? How was your trip then?

rmacapobre said...

joyeux anniversaire!
malipayong kaadlawan!

Anonymous said...

Yo Gi!

Congrats on your new job! What kind of work will you be doing abroad? What tools will you be using?

jio said...

Wow Jet, nice to drop by. How did you know of my blog? ;-)

Tools - mostly ganun din, some Actuate Reports na VB ang language. Unix platform. Sybase database.

Still gonna learn banking terms too. :-D

About Me

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Known to be the webmaster of the defunct Taym Matsing website (well, that's old news now...)