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March 09, 2007

300 : Madness? No, This Is The Bomb!

Frank Miller's 300

  • I already got the original graphic novel by Frank Miller and I must say the film version has not failed the vision and splendor of the story 300.

  • I delighted on the entire look and feel of the film, much like the colors used in the graphic novel with somber colors of brown, black, and red. The skies almost look rendered like a watercolor painting, similar in the comic book. Much of the film colors used remind me of the colors of the award-winning painting, Spoliarium, by Filipino artist Juan Luna.

  • This is not a film for the faint-hearted, nor those who are grossed out by even a single drop of blood. Spoilers alert: There's overflow of blood spraying (in stylized slow motion, spattering towards the movie screen in an unrealistic pattern just like in comic books), head chopping, corpse flinging, arm slicing, torso dicing, and not to mention body piercing care of the self-proclaimed man-god Xerxes, ruler of Persia. Those who delight in such gory details will indeed be overjoyed. Those who aren't will have to endure these or cringe in horror. Just tell yourself that everything here is make-believe. It does look like a hodgepodge of killings every now and then, but these are not mindless acts done by murderers but by Spartan soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves for their king and for their country. Us ordinary citizens may never know nor feel the way of warfare unless we become the soldiers we put in the front lines of our country.

  • Watch out for the controversial battle scene where King Leonidas (played splendidly by Gerard Butler) breezed through the Persian warriors in a sequence like this: he walks forward and begin to pummel an incoming raider, uses his shield to hold off a sword attack, he retaliates back and kills a warrior, the sequence slows down, King Leonidas stabs with his spear another warrior, action slightly speeds up, Leonidas uses his shield to push and shove another Persian, he twirls and slaps an overhead cut of the sword, camera pans in and out occasionally. All of these occurred in one magnificent action scene.

  • While King Leonidas, in his form and stature, symbolizes the alpha male; Xerxes is a drag (ok, eerily looks and acts like an insecure drag queen). Leonidas, though a king, is humble, down to earth and knows death can come anytime; Xerxes basks in boastfulness, illusionary immortality and gloated vanity. Leonidas is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his family, fellowmen and country; Xerxes is willing to sacrifice others for his sake and protection of his rulership and wealth. You got to love the clashing differences of the two.

  • Watch Wenham (Faramir of Lord of the Rings movies) at the end gives out a poetic speech, raising the morale of thousands of Spartans as they set forth to battle the Persians. This scene reminds me of Braveheart speaking before his army or that of the King of Rohan (Lord of the Rings) as he rides on his steed speaking before his cavaliers.

  • I rate this movie 4 out of 5.

  • Here's an interesting (albeit very controversial) article on the question whether George Bush is Leonidas or Xerxes? No spear shall be flung here if you answer wrongly.

1 comment:

rmacapobre said...

it is a good movie and worth your money. but as allan pointed out to me it contained stereotypes, but also im thinking this was exactly what is wrong with society of that time (and also continues to this day). im talking about sparta being manly because they had very good warriors. and to be otherwise is less manly. like the people of athens who were mostly intellectuals and philosophers. and the pervading attitude towards women of society to which im so glad that even then women. spartan women to be exact. were asserting their humanity.

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Known to be the webmaster of the defunct Taym Matsing website (well, that's old news now...)