My blog. My class.

December 01, 2005

Chasing New Rainbows

Riding an FX this morning along the stretch of South Super Highway, a soft drizzle caused quite a spectacle as seen by the photos above.

These are no two rainbows. These photos show two different parts of the same rainbow. While the sun was slowly rising, one end of the visible part of the rainbow slowly disintegrates while the other end appears. In effect, the visible part seems to move from right to left in a circular way.


Abaniko said...

a spectacular sight. that made your morning, didn't it?

jio said...

Indeed. Rainbows symbolize hope. Which reminds me of this inspiring quote from Shawshank Redemption: "Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies"

Sidney said...

I was there at the same moment. I took a couple of pictures but the results are not so nice. I can hardly see my rainbow... :-(

jio said...


I don't know, but I was lucky at that moment to see that rainbow. There are certain phenomena in the sky that I am lucky to experience, like this one and some meteor showers.

Hmmm... do you live out down south?

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Known to be the webmaster of the defunct Taym Matsing website (well, that's old news now...)