My blog. My class.

April 30, 2006

Rain And More Rain

Technically, it's summer season back in the Philippines. But I discovered here in Singapore that rains often occur almost everyday (if not, at least once a week). A Singaporean friend told me that April is usually a rainy month. The dry seasons starts at July while the wettest months are from November to December (wet Christmas, anyone?). The sunniest month was February (that's why when I first came here, I experienced hot and humid weeks and rarely rainy days).

I would wake up early in the morning, still dark outside at six, only to hear the soft patter of raindrops against the window pane. Sometimes it would rain hard in the early afternoon. At other times, late in the afternoon, just before dusk creeps out over the city. Overall, I could say no one could predict precisely when rain would occur. I have to be observant of the distant dark skies before I leave the apartment without an umbrella.

Speaking of umbrellas, I was surprised that anyone can borrow one at some Hang Ten shops that rent umbrellas for $6 each. Up to 90 days one can use these umbrellas. To refund your dollar, return these umbrellas at any Hang Ten store (showcasing these rentable umbrellas) including the plastic casing, the price tag, and also show your receipt.

You may not return it of course. If you do, then you have bought one.

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Known to be the webmaster of the defunct Taym Matsing website (well, that's old news now...)